Job Types

Job Types > Sales (DMR) and Marketing

Sales (DMR) and Marketing

Job Overview

We carry out sales and promotional activities for instruments and reagents, as well as propose solutions for management issues faced by hospitals.

Job Description

  • Planning and implementation of local marketing in representative area and sales measures.
  • Carrying out proposal-based sales of all products, including instruments, diagnostic reagents and systems.
  • Providing information to and collecting information from doctors and laboratory technicians.
  • Submitting comprehensive proposals to solve issues related to hospital management, laboratories, and other facilities.
  • Managing sales agents.

* Our customers are doctors and laboratory technicians at university hospitals, large-scale hospitals, and testing centers. We not only provide information on our products, but also aim to solve issues related to hospital management and laboratory efficiency. As an area manager, you will be assigned to a branch or sales office in various regions throughout the country, where you will support your customers in collaboration with academic and technical teams.

Potential Initial Assignment Location

  • Tokyo Office (Tokyo)
  • Solution Center (Hyogo Prefecture)
  • Branches and sales offices (throughout Japan)

* Possible to work remotely, SuperFlex

Recommended for:

  • Individuals who like to communicate with others.
  • Individuals who not only want to sell products, but also be involved in making proposals towards advancing the future of healthcare.
  • Individuals who would like to be involved in manufacturing by being aware of customer needs and reporting feedback to development departments as a link between the customer and development teams.

Relevant Majors

Law/Policy, Economics/Management/Commerce, Social/Environmental Information, Foreign Languages/International Culture, Humanities, Education, Life Sciences, Religion/Theology, Medicine/Healthcare, Art/Music, Physical Education/Sports, other Humanities.

Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Information Technology, Physics and Applied Physics, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Biological and Life Sciences, Chemical and Materials Engineering, Natural Resources and Global Environment, Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences, Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairy Science, Pharmaceutical Sciences (4-year course), Pharmaceutical Sciences (6-year course), Merchant Marine, Medicine and Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine, Hygiene and Medical Care, Nursing Care, other Sciences.